import socket import threading import time from stats import Stats class Tello: def __init__(self): self.local_ip = '' self.local_port = 8889 self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # socket for sending cmd self.socket.bind((self.local_ip, self.local_port)) # thread for receiving cmd ack self.receive_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._receive_thread) self.receive_thread.daemon = True self.receive_thread.start() self.tello_ip = '' self.tello_port = 8889 self.tello_adderss = (self.tello_ip, self.tello_port) self.log = [] self.MAX_TIME_OUT = 15.0 def send_command(self, command): """ Send a command to the ip address. Will be blocked until the last command receives an 'OK'. If the command fails (either b/c time out or error), will try to resend the command :param command: (str) the command to send :param ip: (str) the ip of Tello :return: The latest command response """ self.log.append(Stats(command, len(self.log))) self.socket.sendto(command.encode('utf-8'), self.tello_adderss) print('sending command: %s to %s'%(command, self.tello_ip)) start = time.time() while not self.log[-1].got_response(): now = time.time() diff = now - start if diff > self.MAX_TIME_OUT: print('Max timeout exceeded... command %s'%(command)) # TODO: is timeout considered failure or next command still get executed # now, next one got executed return print('Done!!! sent command: %s to %s'%(command, self.tello_ip)) def _receive_thread(self): """Listen to responses from the Tello. Runs as a thread, sets self.response to whatever the Tello last returned. """ while True: try: self.response, ip = self.socket.recvfrom(1024) print('from %s: %s'%(ip, self.response)) self.log[-1].add_response(self.response) except socket.error as exc: print("Caught exception socket.error : %s"%(exc)) def on_close(self): pass # for ip in self.tello_ip_list: # self.socket.sendto('land'.encode('utf-8'), (ip, 8889)) # self.socket.close() def get_log(self): return self.log